For the first of our new mix series afterglow, Lisbon based DJ, visual artist and writer Odete takes us on an intoxicating and cathartic trip through multiple sonic territories, deftly weaving reggaeton, industrial techno and queer club dancefloor mainstays. She says the mix came from an emotional place, drawing inspiration from her personal journey as a trans woman, and conveys a confusion within herself and her emotional responses: I tried to play with the borders between music genres, paces and the emotions associated with certain melodic and rhythmic combinations to create a landscape of confusion and empowerment at the same time. I know it sounds weird but the mix feels to me like a journey through and out of my broken state. It was somehow a process of looking in to, and surmounting, brokenness, boredom and conflict – three daily emotional states.

cover design: obby1000


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